The Heart of America
The heart of America is her children. The heart of America is women. The heart of America is men. The promise of America, is a dream of opportunity and the insured freedom to do so, to be who you want to be. But is it safe?
With the words we throw at each other and the bullets shot at one another, it’s clear there are many differences. The beauty about difference, is opportunity. Opportunity to learn, opportunity to listen, opportunity to understand another.
So, is it safe to be who you are? Is it safe for children to learn and grow? Is it safe for a man and woman to be in relationship? That depends. On You. Hermetics says everything moves and vibrates, The Principle of Vibration. As we raise our own vibration, through bringing in more light, those lower frequencies will fall away. We’re not there yet. It takes each one of us committing to more light, greater health, wellness, beautiful space and quality time. To say no to lower frequencies, and YES to higher vibration.
It means cleaning up your thoughts, making different choices, taking different action, consistently. I’m sorry we’re not there yet. But I’ll keep working on me, and am here for you and your healing.