A New World is Upon Us
Every generation has faced their trials, and since 1997 when the doors of the Modern Mystery School opened to the public, our world has seemingly accelerated. From the way we interact, to how we work, much has changed! And there's much more change to come! This quickening comes from whether we will work together, as humanity, or continue to divide amongst ourselves. Finding common ground is salvation- and there is much more common ground than we often allow ourselves to see. As humans, we easily look to our obstacles, our stories, and attachments as what defines us. While these provide important lessons, who we truly are is infinite- we are eternal beings.
The Modern Mystery School
The Modern Mystery School is the only true mystery school that is open to the public; meaning anyone who feels that there is more to life than wake up, go to work, come home, pay bills, repeat; anyone who feels that they are here to help; anyone who feels like a foreigner in this world- is welcome. The healings and trainings bring alignment into all aspects of your being- so you can live into your divine birthright. As you work towards Know Thyself, you take hold of peace and empowerment. What you hold in your DNA is a key to World Peace, or Shamballah. This is the mission of the Modern Mystery School: Shamballah!
Training in the Modern Mystery School has a set path, with tools and teachings that are handed down, in specific order and timing- as the student is ready- so anyone can learn to be the master of one's "ship" = one's life, body, & mind! As we learn to master ourself, that effect ripples out into the world.
It is up to us to create a world of peace, of joy, of love.
The Structure of The Lineage
True mystery schools are identified by their unbroken and ancient lineage- meaning that all teachings are orally handed down from teacher to student, since their conception. Each of the 7 true mystery schools on the planet, have a unique structure to manage the energies of their specific school. In the Modern Mystery School, there are three lineage holders: Founder Gudni Gudnason, Ipssissimus Hideto Nakagome, Ipssissimus Dave Lanyon, which together are called The Third Order. The Third Order consults with a Council of 12 women, six from Japan and six from the Western world, who discern what energies are needed on the planet at any given time.
The Third Order
Founder Hierophant Gudni “Frater GED” Gudnason
The Founder of the Modern Mystery School, born as Gudni Halldor Gudnason von Thoroddsen, in the direct lineage of the War God, Thor, who hails from the lands of Yggdrasil. Founder Gudni Gudnason was initiated into the Lineage of King Salomon in the 1970's. Since an early age he has been traveling the world and teaching hundreds and thousands of people in the ways of Alchemy and Kabbalah- awakening them to the possibility of World Peace. He is a Knight Templar, Celtic Shaman, Viking Shaman, DJ, Producer, and more. He lives a magickal life of art, passion, and joy with his wife Eiko Gudnason in Japan.
Sovereign Ipssissimus Hideto “REI” Nakagome
Ipssissimus Hideto was a bodyguard to the Dalai Lama, when he met Founder Gudni. He is an initiated Priest of Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhism, born into a pure Japanese Samurai family. Ipssissimus Hideto is the head of the Ensofic Ray Institute and is passionate in reminding people of the beauty and good in themselves! He lives in Japan with his beautiful wife Luisa Nakagome and children.
Sovereign Ipssissimus Dave “Thor” Lanyon
Ipssissimus Dave has been crucial in The Modern Mystery School's growth from 12 countries to 55. He is a world class accomplished Martial Art instructor, and head of the Warriors of Light training program. With decades of martial arts training, Ipssissimus Dave brings mental and physical discipline to the Modern Mystery School's mission of World Peace. Ipssissimus Dave lives with his wife Franca Lanyon and their son, in Toronto, Canada where the Modern Mystery School Western World headquarters is located.
The Council of Twelve
Eiko Gudnason, Luisa Nakagome, Franca Lanyon, Dr. Theresa Bullard, Maki Otani, Azusa Yoda, Dr. Ann Donnelly, Suzuko Kitamura, Liza Rossi, Tsukiko Kimura, Dr. Rita Van Den Berg, Dr. Kate Bartram- Brown