Support for Mothers

Genesis 1:3 And then God said, Let there be light.


We speak into creation, because we are also god. Maybe this is hard to tell bc the mind moves so fast, or we talk so much without awareness of what we’re saying. Or maybe it’s because we’ve forgotten who we are- as god. Or we don’t believe we are god.

The thing is, no human system is going to support us completely. Healthcare, education, government, economy, etc. why? Because it was created by humans who forgot who they are. And what do we need in order to remember? Light.

Light brings awareness which leads to the choice to care.

In terms of the Lindsay Clancy case, my heart breaks because this tragedy didn’t have to happen. And maybe that’s why it’s so unsettling because she was working in the exact system that is easy to assume would help or know the signs of post partum depression and post partum psychosis. She was already receiving help, and was turned away from more care when she asked for it. All of this? All of this confusion and lack of support is the result of not being aware of one another, of being consumed by our own drama that we don’t see another outside of ourselves, and seek out how to help relieve another’s suffering.

This world is filled with pain. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I remember when I was settling for it- for the way things were. The heart break that was for me, realizing about religion, education, job force, etc. and yet there was this nudge inside me, to want more, to seek more. My soul wanted the light. And I found it, and it changed my life and I’ve been growing ever since. What I found was an ancient mystery school lineage that has helped countless people over thousands of years. I started with the Life Activation, I received initiation through Empower Thyself, and never looked back. Hope had been restored, because the light was restored within me. My own power, my own light, I finally could feel connected to it.

And in terms of being pregnant and having a child soon… am I concerned about PPD/PPP? Yes and no. Why? Because I have a history of depression. Even though I have used western medicine and practices along with many mystery school tools, like healings, meditations, and initiations in this lineage to support me in clearing away the root of my mental health issues, am I concerned? Yes and no. No because throughout my pregnancy I’ve been asking who will be there to support me, my babe, and my husband? Then watch who shows up, and I am incredibly grateful for every person who is there for me and my growing family, personally and professionally.

Because we are not meant to mother in isolation but to grow in community.

So even though there is a yes, there is power in the individuals who care. There is power in the specific tools from The Modern Mystery School that support mamas and babies- mainly what’s called a Baby Blessing. That coupled with ancient practices handed down for use in my everyday life- to raise my vibration and connection through daily ritual, meditation, and prayer… that strengthen my light and combat darkness from settling in.

That’s why I love this lineage and this mystery school - because in order to say let there be light, what I’m saying underneath that is darkness has no place here.

So let there be light- for every mother, for every child, for every family.

Let there be light.

And it tangibly starts with:

Life Activation

Empower Thyself Initiation

✨Baby Blessing

I am certified to provide the first two, and know plenty of amazing practitioners for that last one.



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