From Victim to Creator
Let’s look at this through the lens of The Hermetic Principles or Universal Laws. Of the seven Hermetic Principles, five of them apply here:
The Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Mentalism
The Principle of Cause & Effect
The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
The vibration of victimhood is different than the vibration of being empowered, of being the creator of one’s life. The vibration of victimhood resonates with habits like fixed mindset, low self-esteem, dependency, insecurity, isolation, us/them, blame/complain. Whereas the vibration of being empowered resonates with habits like growth mindset, emotional resilience, collaboration, joy, passion, love, acceptance, forgiveness.
Perhaps victim and creator are opposites, which leads into…
The Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; all extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
In some cases, claiming victim can lead to the awareness (consciousness, caring) of what is no longer tolerated, which can pave the way towards becoming a more active creator.
Greater awareness within leads to greater awareness without, otherwise known as…
The Principle of Correspondence: As within, so without. As above, so below. The macrocosm reflects the microcosm and vice versa.
This is like the mind’s feedback loop: the more victimhood within, the more victimhood is seen in the world, likewise the more empowered within, the more opportunity for change seen in the world.
Which segues to…
The Principle of Mentalism: All is MIND. The universe is mental.
What goes on in your mind, is projected out into the world. So, what’s going on in your mind? How’s your self-talk? Are there judgements about yourself and others? Opinions about how to live life, etc?
The goal here, again, is to create awareness and ideally, Oneness.
Meditation is key to build the spiritual muscle of awareness, of allowing what is, and discovering Unity. Healings and spiritual training are like ongoing supports, to bring in more Light (consciousness, awareness) so choices can be “seen,” for the potential for change. Awareness leads to the potential to see things differently, like…
The Principle of Cause & Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to (universal) law; chance is but a name for a law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the (universal) law.
By my early 20’s I was battling with abusive relationships, substance abuse, and mental illness.
I did not want to see how I was at cause- only how I was effected, by everything. When I started to see how I was at cause in creating pain and suffering for myself and those around me, I ran towards my healing- because I wanted to be the cause of what is good and beautiful.
What is the Key here?
One key here was training and healing with an ancient mystery school lineage- the Lineage of King Salomon and The Modern Mystery School- because of the power and authority from thousands of years of hand down teachings from teacher to student.
Several times, since I found the Mystery School in 2014, I experienced a depth of support, and empowerment from people further on their journey in the school. The Light they hold is like a tuning fork to my own vibration, showing me where to grow. The energetic “tools” and meditation practices handed down in just Empower Thyself supported me in taking my healing into my own hands.
And the ultimate Key, is You
When you’re ready and willing to be the change you wish to see in the world. My relationships are far more fun, harmonious, and fruitful, since focusing on healing how I would subconsciously create dysfunction in my life. Victims create too, it just misses the mark. In healing within, hitting the bullseye for goodness & beauty becomes possible.
If you’re looking for a greater ability to make a shift in the world, in your world, I highly recommend the Life Activation & Empower Thyself Initiation.